Source code for vocabCLI.modules.WordCollections

import contextlib
import csv
import os

import pandas as pd
from Database import *
from Exceptions import *
from rich.columns import Columns
from rich.table import Table

[docs]def delete_collection_from_DB(): """Deletes all rows from the collections table""" conn = createConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute("DELETE FROM collections") conn.commit()
[docs]def clean_collection_csv_data(): """Cleans the domains.csv file and writes the cleaned data to domains.csv""" df = pd.read_csv("modules/domains.csv", encoding="latin-1") # Read the CSV Files df["word"] = df["word"].str.lower() # convert all words to lowercase # Remove the rows with spaces in the word column df = df[df["word"].str.contains(" ") == False] # Remove the rows with hyphen in the word column df = df[df["word"].str.contains("-") == False] # Remove the rows with apostrophe in the word column df = df[df["word"].str.contains("'") == False] # Remove the rows with quotes in the word column df = df[df["word"].str.contains('"') == False] # drop rows where word column and topic column have same value df = df.drop(df[(df["word"] == df["topic"])].index) df = df.drop_duplicates(subset="word") # Remove duplicate rows # sort the dataframe by topic and word df = df.sort_values(by=["topic", "word"]) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # reset index # delete words if length is less than 3 for i in range(len(df)): if len(df["word"][i]) <= 2: df.drop(i, inplace=True) # delete the current domains.csv file os.remove("modules/domains.csv") # write to new csv df.to_csv("modules/domains.csv", index=False)
# print(df.shape) # print row and column count # print(df.groupby('topic').count().sort_values(['word'],ascending=False)) # show word count grouped by topic and sorted by word count
[docs]def insert_collection_to_DB(): """Inserts the cleaned data from domains.csv to the collections table in the database if the table is empty""" conn = createConnection() c = conn.cursor() # do not run if collection table already has data c.execute("SELECT * from collections") if c.fetchone(): return clean_collection_csv_data() with open(file="modules/domains.csv", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) next(reader) for row in reader: word = row[0] collection_name = row[1] c.execute( "INSERT INTO collections (word, collection) VALUES (?, ?)", (word, collection_name), ) conn.commit()
# todo @anay - formatting can be improved, add color, styles and emojis
[docs]def show_all_collections(): """Shows all the collections in the database""" conn = createConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( "SELECT count(word), collection FROM collections GROUP BY collection ORDER BY count(word) DESC" ) rows = c.fetchall() # ----------------- Table -----------------# table = Table(title="Collections") table.add_column( "Words in Collection", justify="center", style="cyan", no_wrap=True ) table.add_column("Collection Name", justify="center", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) for row in rows: table.add_row(str(row[0]), row[1]) print(table)
# ----------------- Table -----------------# # todo @anay - formatting can be improved, add color, styles and emojis
[docs]def show_words_from_collection(collectionName: str): """Shows all the words in a collection Args: collectionName (str): Name of the collection Raises: NoSuchCollectionException: If the collection does not exist """ conn = createConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT word FROM collections WHERE collection=?", (collectionName,)) rows = c.fetchall() with contextlib.suppress(NoSuchCollectionException): if len(rows) <= 0: raise NoSuchCollectionException(collection=collectionName) print( Panel( f"Words from the collection {collectionName} [bold blue][{len(rows)} word(s)][/bold blue]" ) ) rows = [Panel(f"[deep_pink4]{row[0]}[deep_pink4]", expand=True) for row in rows] # ----------------- Columns -----------------# print(Columns(rows, equal=True))
# ----------------- Columns -----------------# # todo @anay - formatting can be improved, add color, styles and emojis
[docs]def get_random_word_from_collection(collectionName: str): """Shows a random word from a collection Args: collectionName (str): Name of the collection Raises: NoSuchCollectionException: If the collection does not exist """ conn = createConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( "SELECT word FROM collections WHERE collection=? ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1", (collectionName,), ) row = c.fetchone() with contextlib.suppress(NoSuchCollectionException): if row is None: raise NoSuchCollectionException(collection=collectionName) else: print( Panel( title="[reverse blue]Random Word[/reverse blue]", title_align="center", padding=(1, 1), renderable=f"A random word from the [u green]{collectionName}[/u green] collection: [bold blue]{row[0]}[/bold blue]", ) )